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History Of church Of Christ, 35 Onwe Road, Abakaliki, Ebonyi State

This congregation started in April, 1972 with a group of brethren meeting at 71 Gunning Road Abakaliki under the leadership of Bro. Pius Orji. About the same time the same year, another group of brethren were also meeting at Old Enugu Road in the house of Jacob Onwude with Late Evang. Rogers Nwanna, fresh from Christian Training College, Onicha Ngwa in the present Abia State who was encouraged to come to Abakaliki by Evang. Jim Merssey (a minister of God).

It was the Gunning Road members that first discovered that a new congregation emerged in the town and they quickly reached out to them for healthy collaboration.

The two congregations merged to form one Church of Christ, Abakaliki and they started meeting first at No. 4 Ekwuluobia Street and later moved to 2B Nna Street, under the leadership of Late Evang. Rogers Nwanna. Late Evang. Nwanna led the church through the most difficult periods of adversary but he never gave up till his death. At the height of the difficulties he encountered in nursing the congregation, he opted to leave but was encouraged to stay by the support of brethren from Ngbo led by Bro. Nwamgbo Oduma of Church of Christ Ndiegu Ngbo who supplied them with some of their needs then. Late Evang. Rogers Nwanna was the preacher of the congregation for thirty one (31) years and he died in active service in the vineyard of God on Saturday 10th March 2001 through a ghastly motor accident along Enugu-Portharcourt Road. The congregation under his leadership assisted in the establishment of many other congregations in todays's Ebonyi State.

The creation of Ebonyi State in 1996 impacted positively on the life of the church as many Christians especially from old Enugu and Abia States who became Ebonyians by the state creation and others whose call of duty brought to the State became members of the congregation. It was a great turning point for the church. As the number of members increased, the need to get a bigger accommodation emerged. Worthy of note here is the fact that our Landlord at Nna Street instructed his wife and children before his death that because of the behaviour of the church members, the congregation should pay the house rent of two hundred naira (N200) from 1970 until when we are able to raise our own building whether he was alive or dead. That instruction was adhered to from 1960 until Sunday, 10th March 2003 when the congregation relocated from Nna Street to 35 Onwe Road Abakaliki, our present property.

The death of Late Evang. Rogers Nwanna on 10th March, 2001, threw up Evang. Nwabueze Offor who was appointed to understudy him few months before that incident. Evang. Nwabueze Offor led the church for over a decade trying to consolidate on the gains of Late Evang. Rogers Nwanna. Under Evang. Offor, the church achieved so much both spiritually and physically. It was under his leaderdhip that this magnificent building of the church was built. He resigned his appointment as the preacher of the congregation on 25th November, 2012. Prior to the resignation of Evang. Offor, the congregation was already in search of a second preacher through a preachers' appointment committee.

Evang. Ogobuchi Nworie was appointed as the preacher of the congregation on 1st December, 2012. The greatest strengths of Evang. Nworie are in planning and fast decision making. As an administrator, he quickly set up four standing committees to lead in the areas of Evangelism, Benevolence, Education and Works. Through these committees who render their reports to the church every month, so much has been achieved. Every member of this congregation has been lovely and supportive of all church's programmes to the glory of God Almighty.

This congregation has established many other congregations and have some preachers outside this church on their payroll. She is the domain congregation for Ebonyi State churches of Christ Radio Evangelism which sponsors: a fifteen minutes preaching every Sunday morning (between 8:00am and 8:30am) and 60 minutes intereactive evengelism in Federal Radio Corporation (FRCN) once every month.

The prayers of saints all over the world are sought for the sustenance of the current achievements and for general improvement especially in the area of soul winning.

Dr. G.O.C. Udu

Evang. Ogobuchi O. Nworie

Dec. 2012 - date.

Evang. Nwabueze N. Offor

Apr. 2001 - Nov. 2012.

Late Evang Rogers Nwanna

1972 - 2001.

Bro. Pius Orji

Leader of the 71 Gunning road Church.


Church of Christ
PO.Box 125
Abakaliki, Ebonyi State.
+234 xxx xxx xxxx

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